Mexican food is internationally recognized for its distinctive flavors. It has a big influence of different cultures and that is what makes it so interesting and delicious. It is an amalgam of Prehispanic and European elements.
During the Prehispanic era the natives had their diet mainly based on vegetables but the most important ingredients were Corn and Chile. There were also tomatoes, cactus, avocado, pumpkin, vanilla and cocoa(chocolate). They also had animals in their diet like turkey or what they could hunt as deer, badger, quail, duck and white fish.
Since the Spanish Conquest new ingredients were added, meat like pork and cow coming from Europe. For this interesting fusion, Mexican food is considered one of the most delicious Worldwide. Some of the conquistadors also took some of their main spices and ingredients to the rest of the world so there is a lot of influence of the Mexican food in the International Gastronomy as well.
In the last 2 decades emerged a new style of Mexican food which is The Gourmet Mexican Cuisine or New Mexican Food as is called, this new trend is bringing new energy to the traditional Mexican food.
Food and Cooking are a very important in Mexico, and can be the center of social life. It is an event that binds friendships, reinforce family bonds; even important business transactions take place around Dinner or Lunch.
There are dishes for special events or parties like Mole or Tamales but even though these are festive meals menu, they can be eaten any time in the year and for no specific reason. Tequila is a very distinctive drink made in Mexico only and now Mexican Beers and Wines form Baja California and Queretaro are also internationally known.
In Mexico there are different styles of Mexican food depending on the area. In each State they have their specialties but all of them keep the Corn, Chile and Beans as the main ingredient. Corn is used for tortillas or for Pozole or Menudo. In Mexican food flour is also use to make sweet bread and pastries or to make flour tortillas for quesadillas and chimichangas or buñuelos which is a sweet fry tortilla.
In Mazatlan the traditional regional food is delicious and not as hot and spicy as it is in the south of the Country, but it is very tasty. Some examples of traditional dishes Sinaloenses are: Pollo a la Plaza, Asado a la Plaza, Pozole, Menudo, the wonderful tortilla soup, chilaquiles, enchiladas and of course sea food, especially since Mazatlan is considered internationally the Shrimp Capital.
At any home it is common to find marlin stew or shrimp ceviche, Pescado sarandeado, or mahi mahi garlic filet, breaded shrimp, shrimp empanadas, shrimp brochette and more; any of this dishes are serve with rice or guacamole on site. Do you like fruit? In this Estate you will find the freshest fruit like mango, pineapple, guava, banana, watermelon, papaya and surely coconut. There is a very characteristic drink made of fruits like a smoothie and is called “Raspado”. Well I have a good recommendation for you, after eating any of this succulent treat and make it part of your daily life take a nice and slow walk by the largest boardwalk in Mexico “El Malecon de Mazatlán” just to keep in good shape and feel the cool breeze while enjoying our worldwide sunset. That is what a lot of people that have made Mazatlan their home do; and they really enjoy living in this Paradise. Many of them were captivated by the natural beauties, by the excellent Mexican food and friendly people on their very first visit and decided to swim in to Mazatlan Real Estate Ocean just to call Mazatlan their own.
Mazatlan Condos
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